Step 1: Hourly Rates |
Please enter in values for the following |
Number of paralegals: |
Average paralegal hourly wage: |
$ |
Average attorney hourly rate: |
$ |
Step 2: Monthly Labor Costs |
Please estimate the number of hours spent per paralegal/attorney each month |
Hours/Month |
Monthly Cost |
Each paralegal – Hours spent filing each month: |
Each paralegal – Hours spent retrieving files each month: |
Each paralegals – Hours spent locating misplaced files each month: |
Each paralegals – Hours spent working with offsite storage company each month: |
Each attorneys – Hours spent filing each month: |
Each attorneys – Hours spent retrieving files each month: |
Each attorneys – Hours spent locating misplaced files each month: |
Step 3: Monthly Offsite Storage Costs |
Monthly flat storage fees: |
$ |
Average monthly service/retrieval fees: |
$ |
Step 4: Monthly Office Supply Costs |
Cost of paper each month: |
$ |
Toner for printers, copiers and faxes each month: |
$ |
Repair/service costs on office equipment each month: |
$ |
Analysis: Efact Paperless ROI |
Monthly cost of Efact solution: |
$ |
Monthly labor savings (Based on 50% time/cost savings): |
Monthly offsite storage savings (Based on 50% time/cost savings): |
Monthly office supply savings (Based on 50% time/cost savings): |
Monthly Savings: |
Yearly Savings: |
Disclaimer for ROI
Total potential Return of Investment (ROI) is based on calculations of external data which is subject to change. EFACT USA has offered this online estimator of ROI in good faith. We realize that there are alternate methods to calculate ROI, and that some assumptions may not be applicable for your organization. Data provided for the calculation is the user’s responsibility. We do not make any representations or warranties of any kind on the information provided. We also disclaim any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of any information provided. |